Illinois School Of Professional Psychology What Major Is Easy To Get Into Grad School After College?

What major is easy to get into grad school after college? - illinois school of professional psychology

I want to go to college and earn a master of anything is not my field. I have a degree in criminal justice at Illinois State University and want to get another job. I thought to go into accounting or finance, but did not have a class as a student and thought it was very difficult with all the other professions, visit the graduate school and learn the basics of graduate school. What is very important for me that would be almost impossible to do in graduate school? I had a 3.34 GPA and was on the honor roll at Illinois State University ......


phil838 said...

Do not worry a Graduate College, which is different from your undergraduate degree. My BA is in Religious Studies, and now I am working on a master's degree in biology. I had no problems at all, even though many other students in biology. Remember that there is a competition with the other students!

Ranto said...

Why does the law say?

Finance, do an MBA. There is no problem with a Bachelor's degree - but they want you to have three to five years' professional experience. Furthermore, after were on a school like Illinois, it is difficult to get into a top B-school level with the GPA.

You can get a lot of programs in MA - but probably still settle for a school in the second or third level.

Honestly - the law would be the best choice.

Ranto said...

Why does the law say?

Finance, do an MBA. There is no problem with a Bachelor's degree - but they want you to have three to five years' professional experience. Furthermore, after were on a school like Illinois, it is difficult to get into a top B-school level with the GPA.

You can get a lot of programs in MA - but probably still settle for a school in the second or third level.

Honestly - the law would be the best choice.

Mac said...

If you have a background in criminal justice, it would be right on the path of a master's degree in psychology or sociology. In the case of accounting or finance, but you go! People come to the master's programs for all types of funds.

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