Learning About Vajinas And How They Look How Should I Go About Learning Another Language?

How should I go about learning another language? - learning about vajinas and how they look

I really can not take lessons, but I have 2 friends who know the language well enough, he said, he could help me and I can always buy books. But I do not know what I do to learn the language. (As if I had to learn it, word for word or phrase by phrase, or otherwise entirely.)

The language is German.


Stay Gold said...

I agree with what has been said about the alphabet, starting with Rhoni. It is always a good place to start. But, I do not know if it's a good idea to remember just how many words or phrases that you can. You must learn to do these things really make sense for you. For example, if you know what is the German phrase "Let's Eat" Well, you know that a single sentence. But what if you change the sentence and to ask: "Shall we eat?" If you only learn phrases and strike. But if you actually learning the language does not seen what I think you should be able to modify the sentence of your question form. I recommend a good self-help book. I notice Learning idiot guide "to ..." is a very good series for learning languages. I am sure you have a book in German. You should also try to acquire, and audio CD series like Pimsleur help pronunciation. Thus, there are tonss other materials on hand to get you the language. A good example is podcasting. If yes, go to iTunes and type in German and there are very helpul (and free) podcasts that can help you. Last but not least, try to check the www too. Livemocha.com webstie
It is great for language learners.
Good luck

Rhoni Lezli L. said...

We start with the basics - learning the alphabet and how to pronounce the individual letters and letter combinations. Then you can almost every day, such as colors, day of week, stories, etc. So, grammar and sentence structure. Then you should take to build vocabulary and learn different rates. At least that's how I learned my Spanish - I am of the school / family and self. Workbooks and film, of course. Practice.

5FootGia... said...

of course! German is very easy for me.
I've learned to memorize random words ...
I help my friends study for tests and I'm just myself learning

I can only say "full of strawberry jelly bean donut," "School", "Movies", "Music": "I am from Berlin and that's it for today

I thought, what is strawberry? Then it was like "Oh, it's Tammy!"

Taichou said...

German, a language. In any case, try this, it's free.

SakruaWo... said...

You should buy the software
U.S. Army and the increased use of the company, use s
said that the best of the best and made learning a new language to simplify

SakruaWo... said...

You should buy the software
U.S. Army and the increased use of the company, use s
said that the best of the best and made learning a new language to simplify

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