Fordyce Related To Hpv Bumps In My Genital Area!?

Bumps in my Genital Area!? - fordyce related to hpv

As a man of 18 years and those aged 14 or perhaps even younger than I had these little bumps of pain in the bottom of my penis. Some of them are similar to acne, because they may explode, but most do not. You are going to seem nice, but 50 to 60 of them are. There are some who are connected to the hair, but most of them are not. There is a single shot to the head of my penis is bigger than the rest of them and has lived there longer. And recently, a larger flat-looking lump appeared in the case. Ive only had sex once and that was last year, so I thought it might not be against HPV. But I begin to fear that such a thing, because the bumps could goand in general. I've seen things and could be Fordyce spots, what they should be. Also note that my skin is a little hurt and I'm prone to outbreaks of acne on the face. But these steps, there were very long. I know you will probably say go to the doctor, but now it is not an option for me for other reasons. Do not try In a diagnosis, because I know that you can give, I would simply might have on these irregularities in order to sexually transmitted diseases.


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